The Adult Medicine Ward operates 24 hours per week, Admissions are routinely taken from Admission office, OPD, Emergency Room, ICU and some time from surgery ward and referring hospitals, this ward has high quality nursing services. The Inpatient Adult Internal Medicine Unit consists of 25 beds including (Isolated, VIP and general beds). In addition of medication administration and monitoring, the internal medicine ward implements the service as blood and blood product transfusion, lumbar puncture, pleural tap, abdominal tap, Management of patients with communicable and infectious disease.
Rahmat Hospital
Rahmat Hospital was founded by Engineer Mohibollah Naseri on November 5, 2013 in the town of Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi in Qasbeh, District 15th, of Kabul city. The Rahmat Hospital has been designed by Turkish engineers based on the European Union and Turkish standards. Its construction work was completed on November 9, 2020 and became ready for operation.